Group Inerane–Guitars From Agadez (Music of Niger)

Saw this post on SFRP and had to post it. Thanks for the original up.
Group Inerane is the now sound of the Tuareg Guitar Revolution sweeping across the Sahara Desert and inspired by the rebel musicians that started this music as a political weapon used to communicate from the Libyan Refugee camps in the 1980s and 1990s. Spearheaded by the enigmatic guitar hero Bibi Ahmed, Group Inerane has been together for several years and carries the rich tradition of Tamachek guitar songs for another generation. These ten tracks are a combination of amplified roots rock, blues, and folk in the local Tuareg styles at times entering into full-on electric guitar psychedelia. This music is performed with two electric guitars, a drum kit and a chorus of vocalists. The recordings were captured live in the city of Agadez in the Republic of Niger.
1 Kuni Majagani
2 Awal September
3 Ano Nagarus
4 Tenerte
5 Nadan Al Kazawnin
6 Telilite
7 Tenere Etran
8 Ikab Kabau
9 Ashal Wali Tigeli
10 Kamu Talyat
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This comment has been removed by a blog administrator. much more intense than I expected. Absolutely rocking.
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This is brilliant! You can feel the energy of the place leaping out at you!
I love the distortion too, very Velvets meets Bo Diddley
Everyone should get to hear this! Good on ya mate!
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